Info note
Important information: VIGO 5.9 and Windows 10 'in-place upgrade'

We’ve recently answered questions related to Microsoft Windows 10, including ‘in-place’ upgrades and clean installations. The majority of Windows users will very soon upgrade their Windows PC to Windows 10 and most users will be doing an ‘in-place upgrade’ through Windows Update.
Important note: Due to the changes made in Windows 10, it is required that VIGO 5.9 is reinstalled immediately after the Windows 10 upgrade is completed, to ensure that VIGO and Visual VIGO remain to be fully operational.
If you after the Windows 10 upgrade encounter the issue:
“The trial period has expired” / “No licenceinformation found”, it is highly recommended to reinstall VIGO 5.9. Do not uninstall VIGO first, just reinstall by running Setup.exe. In case PC licence codes are missing, they will have to be restored manually by entering the licence codes in the column “Input new Licence code” in the Register licences window.
Windows 10 clean installation:
VIGO 5.9 has been tested on Windows 10 pro x64 and no major issues occurred.
In relation to VIGO, we see no problems upgrading from Windows 7/8/8.1 to Windows 10, as long as the above instructions are followed.
VIGO 5.9 is not able to run on Windows 10 Mobile or Windows 10 IoT Core.
In the event of a critical error occurring while running VIGO, Visual VIGO or one of the associated programs, please send a detailed error report to Support.