Application note
Analogue Output simulation
The output function controller allows the user to set the output channel into simulation mode. Simulation mode allows the output signal to be written without being sent to the physical output.
The analogue output can be controlled from VIGO or directly from an external controller. It is therefore possible to run a separate simulation task that manipulates the output signals to emulate a running process. Output simulation could then be the basis of testing the state of any related functions, thus simulating real operational field equipment.
Output simulation can be very useful for software testing, verification and FAT tests.
The analogue read-back signal (Analogue input) of the analogue output channel (PD 640) will echo the same signal as was written to the analogue output.
(See also: OutputSetpointPercentage, OutputSetpointScaled, AnalogIn, ChConfig.Enable[0].)
Related Topics
Simulation of Analogue Input
Analogue Output
PD 640 Application Notes (mA)
PD 641 Application Notes (Pt100 / Pt 1000)
PD 642 Application Notes (mV / thermocouple)
Analogue modules